Lightning strikes the right hand of the statue Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on EPA Lightning has broken a finger off the right hand of Christ the Redeemer This was the dramatic scene as the world's largest statue of Jesus was hit by lightning The bolt parted the thunderclouds over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to strike Christ the Redeemer The statue isLightning strikes on Rio de Janeiro's famous 'Christ the Redeemer' statue have damaged the iconiceuronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Sub

Lightning Strike Damaged A Finger Of The Christ The Redeemer Statue In Rio De Janeiro Sharenatorsharenator
Rio de janeiro jesus statue lightning strike
Rio de janeiro jesus statue lightning strike-Rio de Janeiro's landmark Christ the Redeemer statue was struck by lightning during a powerful electric storm Thursday (January 16) nightThe lightning strSubscribe to ITN News http//googl/zRYiYnRepair works on Rio de Janeiro's landmark Christ the Redeemer statue are set to begin after lightning strikes rece

Lightning Strikes Christ The Redeemer Statue In Rio Youtube
The famous statue of Christ overlooking Rio de Janeiro has been damaged during a storm Officials said Friday that the right thumb was chipped, apparently by a lightning strike on Thursday night A lightning strike has damaged a thumb of Rio de Janeiro's famous Christ the Redeemer statue The thumb on the right hand of the 38m (125ft) statue was hit during a storm on Thursday nightSource googl/2kWwzNsource http//wwwsliptalkcomWe are all familiar with the iconic statue of Christ the Redeemer which overlooks Rio de Janeiro in Bra
A vicious lightning strike from the heavens hurt Rio de Janeiro's iconic Christ the Redeemer statue during an electrical storm on Thursday night The 125foottall figure that presides over the The world's most famous statue of Jesus, Brazil's 130foot "Christ the Redeemer" figure atop Rio de Janeiro's Sugarloaf Mountain, has been struck by lightning several times, most recently in 08 RIO DE JANEIRO — The iconic statue of Christ overlooking Rio de Janeiro has been damaged during a storm Officials said Friday that the right thumb was chipped, apparently by a lightning strike
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – During heavy storms across Rio late last week, the Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) statue was struck by lightning causing millions of reals worth of damage The third finger of the right arm of the open armed statue suffered a strike and is due to be repaired Lightning struck the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro Thursday, and broke off a finger from the statue's right hand, Father Omar Raposo told Globo Radio The 125foot statue is frequently hit by lightningIn one of the most violent strikes, a lightning bolt hit the right hand of Jesus, knocking off part of his thumb The History Leading to 'Christ The Redeemer' In the 19 th century a local priest suggested placing a giant statue of Christ on one of the many heights that circle Rio de Janeiro In 18, however, after a Republican revolution that installed a secular government, the state and

Fixing The Lord S Finger Workers Repair 100ft Christ The Redeemer After Lightning Strike Weird News Express Co Uk

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Lightning Strikes Rio De Janeiro Jesus Statue The Independent The Independent 10 Most Famous Jesus Statues In The World 10 Most Today The Statue Of Christ The Redeemer History And Where It Is The Statue Of Jesus Christ In Rio De Janeiro Description With Photos History Of Creation Height Location How To Get ThereRio de Janeiro's landmark Christ the Redeemer statue was struck by lightning during a powerful electric storm Thursday (January 16) nightThe lightning str A lightning strike has damaged a thumb of Rio de Janeiro's famous Christ the Redeemer statue The thumb on the right hand of the 38m (125ft) statue was hit during a storm on Thursday night

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